- Nominations for next year's club officers were taken. Only one nominee was submitted for each office, so according to our constitution no election is required and ballots will not be distributed this year. The new officers will be announced at the October meeting when they assume their new duties.
- We're in the final phase of our transition to the new club website. When complete our contract with the previous hosting company will be terminated, completely eliminating MAARC's second highest recurring expense.
- Jim, KB9LEI has agreed to stay on for another term as our Trustee.
- The matter of MAARC seeking incorporation came up. This action was discussed, voted on and approved earlier this year. At this time however, it appears that the process is stalled and we may need to start over from the beginning. The current status of the incorporation filing will be investigated over the next couple weeks as well as what options and resources are available to us. We'll have a much better grasp on how to proceed at the October meeting.
Thanks to all who attended, we look forward to seeing everyone again on October 22, 2012.